Tirupati – Lord Chaitanya in Tirupati

Published on Nov 19, 2014

Chaitanya Charitamrita – Lord Chaitanya on South india Tour – Madhya Lila
TEXT 105
trimalla-tripadi-sthana kaila darasana sarvatra karila krsna-nama pracarana

TRANSLATION: He visited the places known as Tirumala and Tirupati, where He extensively preached the chanting of the Lord’s holy name.
PURPORT This holy place is situated in the district of Tanjore (Chittoor), South India. The temple of Tirupati is situated in the valley of Vyenkatacala and contains a Deity of Lord Ramacandra. On top of Vyenkatacala is the famous temple of Balaji.

TEXT 106
tabe ta’ pasandi-gane karila dalana
ahovala-nrsimhadi kaila darasana

TRANSLATION: After visiting the temples of Tirumala and Tirupati, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to subdue some atheists. He then visited the temple of Ahovala-nrsimha.
PURPORT The Ahovala temple is situated in Daksinatya, in the district of Karnula, within the subdivision of Sarbela. Throughout the whole district this very famous temple is much appreciated by the people. There are eight other temples also, and all of them together are called the Nava-nrsimha temples. There is much wonderful architecture and artistic engraving work in these temples. However, as stated in the local gazette, the Karnula Manual, the work is not complete.
mahaprabhu cali’ aila tripati-trimalle catur-bhuja murti dekhi’ vyenkatadrye cale

TRANSLATION: Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu next arrived at Tirupati and Tirumala, where He saw a four-handed Deity. Then He proceeded toward Venkata Hill.
PURPORT Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura has actually described the chronological order of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s visit. The Tirupati temple is sometimes called Tirupatura. It is situated on the northern side of Arcot in the district of Candragiri. It is a famous holy place of pilgrimage. In pursuance of His name, Venkatesvara, the four-handed Lord Visnu, the Deity of Balaji, with His potencies named Sri and Bhu, is located on Venkata Hill, about eight miles from Tirupati. This Venkatesvara Deity is in the form of Lord Visnu, and the place where He is situated is known as Venkata-ksetra. There are many temples in southern India, but this Balaji temple is especially opulent. A great fair is held there in the month of Asvina (September-October). There is a railway station called Tirupati on the Southern Railway. Nimna-tirupati is located in the valley of Venkata Hill. There are several temples there also, among which are those of Govindaraja and Lord Ramacandra.
tripati asiya kaila sri-rama darasana
raghunatha-age kaila pranama stavana

sva-prabhave loka-sabara karana vismaya pana-nrsimhe aila prabhu daya-maya

TRANSLATION: Everywhere Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went, His influence astonished everyone. He next arrived at the temple of Pana-nrsimha. The Lord is so merciful. PURPORT Pana-nrsimha, or Panakal-narasimha, is located in the district of Krishna, in the hills known as Mangalagiri, about seven miles from a city known as Vijayawada. One must climb six hundred steps to reach the temple. It is said that when the Lord is offered food with syrup here, He does not take more than half. Within this temple is a conchshell presented by the late king of Tanjore, and it is said that this shell was used by Lord Krsna Himself. During the month of March, a great fair takes place in this temple.
nrsimhe pranati-stuti premavese kaila prabhura prabhave loka camatkara haila

TRANSLATION: In great ecstatic love, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered obeisances and prayers unto Lord Nrsimha. The people were astonished to see Lord Caitanya’s influence.

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