What do you do in your temples?

Published on Dec 27, 2014

Question: What do you do in your temples?

Answer: The temple is a place to especially remember God and deepen our relationship with Him.

It’s a holy place to develop community with others through glorifying God and increasing our understanding of spiritual knowledge.

Our temples are open to the public.

Although services are held throughout the day, most visitors come for the special Sunday program, the ‘Sunday Feast’.

A typical Sunday Feast program consists of a formal ceremony called arati in which deities (forms of Krishna) are worshiped to the accompaniment of sacred songs sung by the congregation.

This is followed by a lecture on the Vedic scriptures.

At some temples there might be a play or more singing.

The festival always includes a vegetarian feast of delicious food that has been prepared for and offered to the Lord.

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